Lime 007

titolo collezione

The unit with the top in Ocritech and handle in matching pastel shade has the look of a modern sculpture.

Close-up of the Simple handle with Cenere lacquer finish, matching the front panel, Ocritech top with an exclusive Azzurra Oly washbasin.

The wall-mounted elements lend a touch of elegance with the finishes and shapes.


  • Dekorativo 3D
    Dekorativo 3D

    32 finishes

  • Lacquered colours, soft-touch, metal
    Lacquered colours, soft-touch, metal

    66 finishes

  • HPL Unicolor
    HPL Unicolor

    12 finishes

  • Wooden essences
    Wooden essences

    10 finishes

Lime 010

Lime 010 Lime Ø
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